1: 2022/11/18(金) 01:20:03.01 ID:3gMbFNTAa https://www.ign.com/articles/pokmon-scarlet-and-violet-review-in-progress I spent an entire Gym Battle with one Pokemon halfway buried in the floor. The camera will occasionally clip through mountainsides and give a full view of a video gamey void, sometimes ruining cool moments (like, for instance, the evolution of my Wooper). Everything lags all the time, from battles to menus to cutscenes. Two of our guides writers have experienced hard game crashes. It is, by far, the worst-running Pokémon game I have ever played, and among the worst-running AAA games I’ve played on the Switch so far. And yes, this is with the day one patch. 私はジムバトルの間ずっとポケモン1匹が床に半分埋もれて過ごしました。 カメラは時折山腹を切り取って、ビデオゲームのようなボイドの全体を見ることができ、時にはクールな瞬間を台無しにすることもあります(例えば、私のウーパーの進化など…